Practices make perfect and exercise in the right way makes things stronger. According to, when we are physically active, hears and lungs work harder to supply the oxygen that muscles demand. Exercise makes muscles stronger and it also makes lungs stronger....
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Do B-vitamins help reduce stresss? B vitamins play a key role in the maintenance of good mental health. Top on the list of stress-relieving vitamins and supplements are the B vitamins, which play a beneficial role in reducing anxiety and improving your...
We rarely give much thought to our throat unless it begins to hurt. However, your throat is a finely tuned structure of tissues, nerves, glands, and blood vessels. It needs looking after. Here are simple ways of keeping your throat healthy. 1....
Why do we need sugar and what is blood sugar? The term “blood sugar level” refers to the amount of sugar or glucose in your bloodstream. Sugar is produced when we consume carbohydrates (carbs) from food such as bread, beans, milk, popcorn,...
2021 isn't an easy year. It's been really tough for all of us. The deadly pandemic with on-off lockdowns has challenged our physical and mental health. With the commitment to bring trusted proven high-quality health products to our community, this year, Vitatree...
There are certain things we can do to maintain and slow down the decline of lung function when time goes by.