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Good Health 
Starts In The Gut.

Our products have been formulated with the latest scientific research and top-grad quality ingredients to provide you and your family with the best possible digestive health support.

Broad Spectrum
30 Capsules
for Kids
30 Capsules
Our Probiotics are
The Perfect Solution For
  • Everyday Digestive Health

    Restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut and support digestive health.
  • Alleviate Digestive Problems

    Reduce symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and diarrhea.
  • Boost Immune System

    Enhance the activity of immune cells that can help defend against infections and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Relieve Mild Eczema Symptoms

    Beneficial in supporting reduce symptoms of eczema, a common skin condition often associated with allergies.
Key Features


A genue of Gram-positive bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining healthy inflammatory processes and carbohydrate digestion in your gut, potentially improving overall nutrient absorption. Bifidobacterium also may improve mood and reduce anxiety.


Our products are made without any animal-derived ingredients, making them a suitable choice for those following a vegeterian or vegan diet.

Fridge-free Formula

Easily bring and enjoy our beneficial probiotics on-the-go, without worrying about refrigeration.


Taking only 0.01% of our total gut bacteria, but, lactobacillus aid our digestion, boost the immune system, and produce lactic acid to inhibit harmful bacteria. It also potentially reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory conditions.

For Adults

Vitatree Probiotics 
Broad Spectrum
30 Capsules
Our Probiotics Broad Spectrum is designed for adults and contains a combination of 11 different strains of probiotics to support a healthy digestive system. Each vegan capsule contains 25 billion CFUs (colony forming units) to ensure that you are getting a potent dose of beneficial bacteria.

+25 Billion

of good bacteria 

11 Strains

of beneficial bacteria 

For Kids

Vitatree Probiotics 
for Kids
30 Capsules
Our Probiotics for Kids is formulated specifically for children and contains 11 strains of probiotics at a lower potency of 10 billion CFUs per serving. This kid-friendly formula is designed to support healthy digestion and immune function in children from one years old.

+10 Billion

of good bacteria

11 Strains

of beneficial bacteria 
